Legal reflections on the participation of civil society in the Regional Development Committees of Mining States and Municipalities in Mexico
Organizational learning, innovation, competitivenessAbstract
The importance of measuring organizational learning in MiPyMes lies in the identification of distinctive dynamic capabilities, which impact innovation and competitiveness levels. In trying to achieve this activity we have identified that the research instrument did not always fit the theory. Therefore, the objective is to demonstrate the degree of adjustment of the observed data, through the implementation of two questionnaires, to a hypothetical model of organizational learning that aims to answer to what extent the measurement of organizational learning in MiPyMes del food sector of Hermosillo, Sonora, impacts the levels of innovation and competitiveness? The results show that using the method of structural equations, there are high levels of KMO, Cronbach’s alpha, and median correlation. This as a result of having increased and rearranged, according to the original model, the items in the second questionnaire, as well as having increased the number of companies surveyed. In conclusion, the improvements in the research instrument resulted in having better evidence of having identified the MSMEs that have achieved significant organizational learning impacting their innovation and competitiveness processes.
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