Agrotourism a development opportunity for the Sierra de Sonora


  • Víctor Guadalupe Santiago-Hernández Responsable de CAEF: Desarrollo Regional Sustentable. PTC UNISIERRA
  • Martina Alcaraz-Miranda PTC UNISIERRA
  • Alejandro Córdova-Yánez Jefe de DCEA



Agrotourism, mountains, economy, producers, Sonora


When the earth shares not only goods, but services is because diversification is in process; precisely, here is when the way of thinking of the producers reforms for the benefit of his family, but its social and economic environment. The producers of the mountainous region of the Sonora`s State, which comprises 18 municipalities for this research, is essentially characterized by the practice of farming, this productive culture has prompted a socioeconomic prototype historically lies in the everyday activities of the communities, which has not allowed the diversification of economic activities in the region in its entirety. With reference to the perspective of the producers in the region, the provision is scarce and null by the owners of farmers for transform diversify their everyday activities, since they consider does not view the possibilities of development in its environment, particularly by an incorporation of activities in relation with agrotourism. That said, is expected with this research to educate producers worth to modify its approach to the development of tourism in memorable experiences make tangible. This research is the result of the collegiate work academic called Development Regional Sustainable, which is focused on, promoting and disseminating the economic activity in the mountains region of the state of Sonora.


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How to Cite

Santiago-Hernández, V. G., Alcaraz-Miranda, M., & Córdova-Yánez, A. (2019). Agrotourism a development opportunity for the Sierra de Sonora. INVURNUS, 14(3), 16–23.


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