An approach to the measurement of risk perception in decision making in aquaculture in Sonora, Mexico
exploitation, ways of thinking, profitability, decision makingAbstract
Shrimp aquaculture production presents associated natural risks; onslaught of epizootics, low international prices, and strong international competition. These are relevant causes that have impacted on the decrease in the profitability of shrimp producing units. This analysis addresses another aspect that eventually affects your performance. Such are the ways in which shrimp producers, their team of managers and technicians, make decisions, and how they face the risks inherent in this activity. Product of thought heuristics, cognitive biases and the limited rationality of individuals, in areas of incomplete, inadequate or outdated information, the decision making of these economic agents is nuanced with the challenge of keeping the economic unit in operation. In order to distinguish the ways of thinking that decision makers see and find an instrument that allows to measure risk perception, a systematic review is carried out, which explores the theoretical aspects and their findings on coping with extreme risk. The Prospective Theory of Kahneman and Tversky (1979), is the starting point to establish a clear parameter that those heuristics inherent to human rationality.
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