Identificación de componentes de color con visión artificial y redes neuronales


  • Luis Arturo Medina Muñoz Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales
  • Jose Jesus Rodríguez Senday Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales
  • Felipe Morales Solís Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales
  • Jesús Antonio Mayorquín Robles Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales



Redes neuronales, proceso, sistema, visión, Redes neuronales, proceso, sistema , visión


The present work detects plastic parts of 2 different colors, red and blue, through the use of photographs of the pieces, which are analyzed through an interface written in the Visual C# programming language. A commonly used WEB camera is used as the vision element that provides the information needed by the interface, which has an implementation of a neural network trained with the backpropagation algorithm. To achieve this recognition, the traditional process of taking a series of samples as a training set is followed and the project is validated by implementing it on a production line in a local manufacturing industry. The results obtained will show how efficient the system is using artificial vision techniques to process information and the use of a certain neural network structure as a recognition element.


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How to Cite

Medina Muñoz, L. A., Rodríguez Senday, J. J., Morales Solís, F., & Mayorquín Robles , J. A. . (2023). Identificación de componentes de color con visión artificial y redes neuronales . INVURNUS, 18(1).
