Socio-educational strategy of university social service in the coastal community of “Desemboque”, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico




Formative Process, Social Service, Methodological Organization


We saw the results of the investgation related with the development of the University Social Service in the community of the Desemboque coast of the municipality of Cabrca,Sonora,Mexico, considered as a task of the formative process of the professionals,that is why is derribed in a particular pedagogic process, which preciss to be a methodological organization to facilitate the integration of the University-Society. An initial study was realizedand also descriptive to determine the regulations which are characterized pedagogical proces of the Social University Service, that considered the application of the students interviews and also members of this community, observation of the activities realized, coming to the conclusion of which exists a need to organize methodologically this pedagogical process of the said community. It was also realized a theoric sistematization to select the referred theories that will serve as a base ot this task and the experience of the thirty years in the professional development and investigative in the social university work. For this reason is defined as an objective to present a social education strategy of the social university process in Sonora, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Pastrana Corral, S. A., Matos Columbié, Z., & de la Caridad Socias Iglesias, A. (2020). Socio-educational strategy of university social service in the coastal community of “Desemboque”, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. INVURNUS, 15(2), 17–23.


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