Legal reflections on the participation of civil society in the Regional Development Committees of Mining States and Municipalities in Mexico
Mining Fund, Citizen ParticipationAbstract
Since the nineteen-hundreds, several countries in Latin America have taken on the task of updating and adapting their mining legislations in two major areas: the first one is to legally guarantee their sustainable development and, secondly, to monitor investments with greater emphasis as well as regulating the impacts generated by the companies that are located in certain areas. Mexico is one of them. The implementation of legal instruments allows the Government to build a fiscal on environmental impacts and regional developments. In 2014 the Congress of the Union approved various provisions on mining rights, highlighting additions to articles 271 and 275 of the Federal Law of Rights in order to support the mining communities. This is how the Fund for the Sustainable Regional Development of Mining States and Municipalities was implemented, which objective is to raise the quality of life of the inhabitants of the mining extraction zones. This research will carry out a series of legal and social reflections on exercise and distribution of the Mining Fund as a reward for the mining communities in the country through social impact works as well as the analysis of integration and authority of the Regional Development Committee for the involved areas under a scheme of effective citizen participation.
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